Saturday, September 14, 2013

top hats

hello jammers! this is my first rares report! today i will post all sorts of rares! such as founders, collars, worns, and more!
first we will start off with the top hats (all kinds including freedoms and founders)from least rare to rarest
this is the freedom hat, the least rare kind of top hat, if u can even consider it a top hat
this can be found around fourth of july or in the hat shop (now closed)

this is the rare top hat, the second least valuable, and is worth about 2-3 nr bows, or maybe a couple nr spikes, but this is nothing special,
this is the pink top hat, a lot rarer than its followers, but still not the best of the best, with the adventures around, it may be worth freedom wings, rare bow, and a small member rare

i like to call this one the mahogany top hat, its worth a pink top hat and a beta clothing item

this one is the striped black, worth about 2 mahogany tops or a bad color worn
this is the solid black, where the rare spiking begins, this is worth a good color worn and add good member rare (eg.teal red indigo black for worn and maybe 2 pairs of scary g's)
this is the red top hat, worth a red pirate sword and rare bow and add good, or a good color worn and some furniture beta
this is the striped blue top hat, worth a good color worn and a brown worn and add a bit
this is the solid blue top, worth 2 good worns and add something
then the tan top,the rarest color!!! 4 of these in my mind are worth a rare spiked wrist
i know you were waiting for this one, as it is the rarest kind of hat! people sometimes trade their founders for 4 RARE SPIKES! ik what ur thinking right now. but rare spikes are a joke to founders.
the founders hat and all regular colors of top hat were availiable in jam mart clothing for the post-beta era, reason? there were no members in beta! post beta was from september 2010 to december 2010
disagree with this post? note: these are MY OPINION, some may argue that tan tops arent worth as much as the 2 blues, that is true, as the solid blue and the tan top are always taking eachothers spots
well, JAM ON! and have fun with your rares.


  1. Replies
    1. Hi i have a solid blue tophat if you would like to trade my username is Papamimi13 :D

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    3. I have an offer for your blue top hat my user is Ventile jam a gram me if you wanna trade

  2. rare top hat is worth more i traded mine for a rare spike :I

    1. Sucks to be you then cause that was overtrade

  3. I don't know WHAT to trade my solid black top for!!! >.<

    1. Me Neither I'm getting trades like=
      Rare rhino Beta TV :(

    2. i would trade a purple long a den beta ((2)) and a beard .3.

    3. i have a black and white and red top hat

    4. the tan tophat with arctic hood ( orangish redish but not the really really rare one ) and i can add a black mech helmet.. ): my user is Wolfe223

    5. I have the solid blue , and the black red and white stripped one! if you wish to trade me my username is Papamimi13

  4. I have a solid blue top hat
    I traded a red fox hat, diamond shop tail armor, fire amulet, and the monkey alpha fountain for it

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I got a black tophat from the new forgotten desert adventure .3.

  6. Tell me if this is a good trade
    Someone offered:
    A RC car Orange gecko plushie Wishing well and a Long bow for a solid blue.
    Was that a good trade?

    1. Yes, that was a good trade because top hats lost their rarity when they re-realsed them last year. Top hats are worth something just not like very valuable.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I have all of these including the founder. If u dont belive me, look. Im lilaberry22 XD

  9. who would accept my black top hat for a headdress (username jade615)

  10. i have the tan one and im so happy! but who would have for of those for a spike?

  11. I have a solid blue top hat any offers my user is hopperlover3 on animal jam

  12. I have red and sold blue top hats, to go with both my red and blue spike collars. Also im trading two spike collars, two psike wrists, and two top hats for black spike collar, who wanna trade?
    M user is spiritwolfx3

  13. OMG
    I HAD a red top hat.
    Guess what I got traded?
    A blue spike XD

  14. i have a founder if you want to offer im epicgamerhog jagt me first saying lets trade

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  16. i have the mahogany top hat i got it from the forgotten desert i was freaking out when i got it im trading it for a pink long spike collar if u want to trade me that im mistydrama but jamagram me first

  17. I wanna trade my 2 freedom wings and my rare raseberry bow and arrow for for a pink top hat jamagram me if deal im awesome4291

  18. Hi, can anyone trade for my solid blue? I'm vvhh123

  19. i want to cry because i am so freaking sad my black solid tophat got SCAMMED by julianfan9084 or julianfan9084 i am so upset... DXXXXXXXXXXX

    1. Offer for mine? I'm maylou06 (It shows up as my dad)

  20. I have a tan top hat but I don't know if I want to trade it. It depends what someone offers i guess. Any offers? I'm claudinedraculaura on AJ.

  21. Could someone tell me what a spooky top hat's worth?

  22. im ilovemikeytmnt i have a pink one but the bad thing is i traded a orange short collar plz buddy me and help me get it back! tysm :)

  23. I love top hats, yes besides me being a nonmember at the moment, I hope to collect all top hats. IF you have an unwanted one look me up; princessofdarkness09 and I would GLADLY accept it x3

  24. HEY UM IS 2 Foxhat a good trade for a magenoy top hat

    1. yes it is because thats what i traded it for

  25. you know these are just pixels on a screen, right?
    Theyre not actually worth anything in real life

  26. My whole trade list for a red or black rare spike collar, plz jag me if deal my user is Thistlepaw, i have a black top hat on trade.

  27. I have the one you call maghogany tophat. Should I trade it?

  28. i has a pink won from beta days its worth more than what u say its beta desgin and im asking for it and my list together a headdresss any color rare or non rare . thx from magicwolf8846

  29. Hi, I'm Jammer5br03, I have a striped blue. If you would like to trade, feel free!

  30. Pretty sure the black top hat is the rarest :T

  31. hey i want to trade a top hat rare worn a brown beard and a diamond spike for a rare spike

  32. I have a solid blue and not solid blue. Jag me Let's Trade! With Phantom sticker if you want to offer. User is arar122.

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. If anybody has a Blue striped Tophat, I am willing to offer 2 worns, a beard, a feathered mask, and a ninja mask. I am Princessfrozengem678.

  35. I got a blue striped top hat from forgotten desert
    I don't know what to trade for.
    My username is tonu12345

  36. My tan got scammed

    trade me for solid blue top hat pls


  37. can someone trade the whole clover armor set for a solid black

  38. Some person traded me their tan hat for my blue striped top hat, and I accepted.
    I then asked my friend who is an expert in rares which is rarer and she said blue. I still haven't got a response if it is the blue striped or blue solid.
    Anyways, I am still in contact with the person who traded it to me, so I am wondering, should I ask if we can trade the items back?

  39. I traded a brown-colored worn, a rare big bow, a fluffy fox hat, a rare tiara, and a rare eyeball hat for a solid black top hat, was that a fair trade? Also, now I have a solid black top hat that I am willing to trade XD anyone have any offers? it'll be on my trade list, my username is WebkinzLover14225 btw

  40. i have the neon like tophat if u want to trade for it my user is raven177

  41. u people know nothing the red diamond rare top hat is worth 5 spikes or 10 worns

  42. Hi! so i got the blue top hat (Not solid) for a red long wrist and a short orange wrist was that fair? i just got it i dont really care about wristbands so im happy!

  43. i got a solid black for a brick u=you can buy at epic wonders :0

  44. I have two striped blue tops hats. Jag me your offer my username is Fallenbreeze.
